26 Mayıs 2019 Pazar


   Hello again, lastly I want to talk about what a QR code is, how it is used and how can we intergrate it in language learning classes.
   It is two-dimensional version of the barcode, known from product packing in supermarkets. It is designed as black and white pixel patterns which looks like random at first but they are actually designed according to the information you want to reach. Up to 7089 digits or 4296 characters can be stored in a QR code.
   It is very easy to create. The first thing you should do is going a website (I gave examples below) that generates QR codes then you choose the type of the code and enter the information. You can scan the codes by the QR code scanner applications which are appropriate for smartphones and tablets.
   I think the teachers can use it for ease their work. They can create various QR codes with different activities and share them with their students. They can give them tasks, URLs they want their students to check or texts by these codes.
   I made a QR code for you as an example, you can scan by your smartphones and check it. You will reach a story named Happily ever after. Hope you enjoy it!

You can use these websites to create your QR code!

13 Mayıs 2019 Pazartesi


   Today I want to talk about gamification and it's effect to education. As we all know especially new generations are too in touch with technology. They like spending their time with playing games. I think games can teach them many things if it's used properly. So gamification can be integrated to education to get students' attention. It won't be difficult to adapt it because they are already familiar with them. Besides they are more realistic so it is easier for students to obtain what they should learn. Second life is one of the example that can be used in education. Especially in today's world it shouldn't be recommendation it is a necessity. 

12 Mayıs 2019 Pazar


  I'm back with a new application which enables teachers to design online slides and give live lectures. It's very easy to use and again have different layouts for slides, you can crate your lessons with videos, simulations, audios, pdf, nearpod 3D and even Twitter live stream. 
  If you are interested in it you can check my slide. I made a very easy one just for giving information about capitals cities to 2nd grade students.


  It's a website in which you can create various materials for your students. You can choose you template and start to add pictures, questions an etc. It is helpful because of the many alternatives for creating interactive tasks and materials. You can check my activity if you want. Hope you like it!


  Hello again! I tried mindmeister today. It is a website to create mindmaps. You can give the whole content in a mindmap. You can make it as titles and sub-titles.
  If you want to look at it you can check my MindMeister about technology integrated in education. 


   It is an application that provides you to link some other materials with an existing material. For example you can give website links, YouTube links, audios or texts by clicking on a picture. And I think it is attractive enough for your students.
  I made an example for you. Click here to see my Thinglink!

11 Mayıs 2019 Cumartesi


   Canva is a graphic-design tool website. It uses a drag-and-drop format and provides accesses to too many photographs and graphics. You can create posters, various cards, presentations, posts for social media and etc. You can ask your students to use this website to fulfill the tasks you gave them.
   I made a mother's day card because tomorrow is mother's day. 


   It is an application which enable you to create classrooms and make your tasks virtual. After creating your class you give your students the entering code and password. Then they can deliver their tasks through it and you can check their activities out of the classroom. As students when you look at your friends responds you can open subtitles and change the video speed. It is very easy to use and access.If you want to look at it you can find it by the link I gave below and my sample by the second link. Password is: iuchayefELT


My flipgrid

5 Mayıs 2019 Pazar


   VR is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment which can be interacted with a person. It can be used for education because of it's usefulness for teaching something more effectively. Since it provides a real environment which can make students to learn better. Besides new generation students are digital natives and are appealed by this kind of things and get motivated easily.
    After I experienced VR in classroom, I thought that it can be used in language classes. We can teach the subjects that can be learned easily by seeing and experiencing. They can be more exposed to language. Another point is that VR increases students' creativity and allows them to interact with their imagination. Furthermore it has too many opportunities to make different activities like games (like catching, drawing, matching words), group works, competitions between students.
   VR can be future education tool so every teacher should be aware of it's importance.