26 Nisan 2019 Cuma

My First Online Certificate

  Hello everyone, today I'm going to give you some websites that you can find online courses about every field. Firstly they are very easy to use. You create an account then find the course you want to take and watch their videos or read the things they gave you. Then you complete your course.
There are two types of courses. First one is free, you don't pay anything but you can't have original certificate. They just send you it by e-mail. You can't print it even if you do, it's not same as original one. And second one is premium. You pay some money, sum of which changes according to course. And they send you the original certificate which has wet signature and value.
  I took a course with Udemy and it was the free one. It was about "How to Make More Money Teaching English" because I'm a student of English language teaching. Here is my online certificate. And I gave you some other websites where you can find online courses.


  As we all know old teaching techniques, such as course books are not qualified enough to teach a subject. As teachers we should involve the students to course as much as possible. To do this we can get their attention by different teaching tools like Second life.
  It is based on virtual reality. People can create their avatar and change their locations by teleporting. They can talk with people and improve their knowledge by this. Students can find new friends on this platform and improve their English. Besides it attracts students' interest to the lessons, make them more active and increase their motivation. In this way they would be more successful and their knowledge would be more permanent. I think this platform should be used by teachers to make their students proficient in every area of their life.

  I made my own character and wander around with her. You can see the pictures I took.

I was flying above the city..

24 Nisan 2019 Çarşamba


   Hello everyone. I'm goint to recommend a very enjoyable platform for you and your students. It is an online platform where you can create you own stories and read other people's stories.IT is useful especially for young learners of English. It has a free trial account choice for 30 days you can also use it as premium member and have more options when creating your story. I tried to write a children picture book and had a lot fun. You read it if you want through the link below..


Voki is an educational tool that allows the users to create their own talking characters. You can name them. And they can be customized as historical figures, cartoons, animals and, even yourself. You can give your Voki character voice by recording with microphone, using the dial-in number of website and, uploading an audio file. Voki characters can be emailed, shared on social media or embedded on websites.
The Basic Voki is free for all students an educators. You can create unlimited Voki characters on your account. Basic Voki users have access to Basic Voki characters. Characters with a banner notification are Voki Classroom characters. They are only available to Voki Classroom subscribers. And what's Voki Classroom? It is a student assignment management system. With this teachers are able to control students' privacy settings.
I created my own character on Voki whose name is Leila. You can access it through the link I gave below.

My voki character


   Hello again. I'm going to share a application that enable you to create activities for your students. I had a lot fun while doing it and hope you enjoy it too. Quizlet: you can use it both as a mobile application or through it's website. Students can learn and enjoy thanks to it by flashcards, various games and tests.
   You can check the vocabulary flashcards I made for intermediate level student.


Kahoot is an online platform where you can play educational games like quizzes. You need first create an account. As a teacher you can create lots of Kahoots about every topic for your students. They can play it with the enter code. And students both can use it at school with their teachers and by their own. It's both entertaining and informative for students. I strongly recommend it everyone.
I made an example for you about synonyms for beginners. You can take my quiz by this link.

16 Nisan 2019 Salı


  It is an online animated presentation platform which you can use as free. When you prepare your video you can also add shapes, music, backgrounds and characters. Besides you can record your voice and add it to Powtoon presentation. We all know that text-filled presentations are boring. But Powtoon is entraining and attractive. So it's useful for attracting attention of students. And students will be excited about the new way of presentation. Moreover it can increase the creativity of the students.

  I prepared a presentation as an example and briefly mentioned some Modal Verbs in it, hope you like it.

Augmented Reality- HP reality (app)

 This application help people to apply augmented reality which can be used in many areas. One of them is education. You can use the app by firstly focusing the thing you want to teach. Then you save it and add the real version of it. When you show the picture to camera in seond time it shows the real version automatically. It's very entertaining and motivating for especially children. They give more interest to the lesson by means of this program. It's also more helpful to learn because of the more concentrating. I personally liked it too much. And you as teachers can use it in your classroom if you have chance.
  I also try it on a book containing animals which is prepared for kindergarten or 1st grade students. I add gif or photos of the pictures on book. You can watch the video of it I gave below.

10 Nisan 2019 Çarşamba


  Seesaw is a platform in which teachers share activities for their class or other students who can access them with links. There are two choices when you first open the app for signing up. If you are a teacher you choose 'Teacher account' and if you want to use it as a student you choose 'Seesaw for parents'. You can signing up with your google account, facebook or by opening a new account.
As a teacher firstly you open a class and you choose the grade
You see already existing activities which help you to create your activity.  You can share your activity as a link, photo, video, file or drawing.
  I created an activity as an example. It's a memorising activity for beginners. You can access it by clicking here

9 Nisan 2019 Salı


Hello again. Today I want to give some information about Padlet.
It is a platform where the teacher can create and share sheets for the students. There are different themes for their works. They can also share them in other platforms by using link or the sharing code. I prepared a sample for you. The topic is feelings. It is for 4th grade students. You can access it by clicking Expressing feelings. Thank you for your interest. See you soon.

3 Nisan 2019 Çarşamba

Phrases Commonly Used - First Vidcast

  I wanted to talk about some phrases that are commonly used by native speakers of English. You can watch my first video to see these phrases in the video given below.
   And sorry for the technical problems. I didn't know that the program, I used for editing video, would paste it's name on my face. Thanks for your interest and understanding.


Tools For Memorizing New Words In a Foreign Language

   Hello everyone it's my first post. I shared a podcast in which I generally talked about the tools for memorizing new words in a foreign language. These are respectively noting down the word with the sentence in which its used, making associations, reviewing, and visualization. I hope you enjoy it. Keep following if you want to see more contents like this.
  You can access the podcast by clicking here.